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Just when you thought you nailed your financial game, along comes a tax curveball, making your cash flow feel more like a seesaw. A penalty for what?


Tried getting professional advice, but left the office with more questions than answers? Tax jargon overload causing a headache?


You know the drill. Taxes are due... soon-ish. Yet, every year you're scrambling last-minute, and it feels like a marathon you didn't train for. 


You hustled all year, then - surprise! A tax bill that feels like a bucket of cold water. Wasn’t expecting that, were you?


Sound familiar? trigger warning:

Alright, here's the scoop! 🍦You can stick to the once-a-year tax chat and roll the dice, or you can be in the driver's seat, staying informed throughout the year. Your move, boss. 😉

Go to bed with zero worries about audits, tax deductions missed or unforseen penalties. 


Feel enlightened, educated, and empowered after each tax talk? No jargon, just clarity.


Have a year without penalties, where punctuality is your middle name and you’re never caught off guard by deadlines.


Slide into tax season with all your papers in order, and submitting your returns without a single rush of panic. Feels relaxing, right?


But imagine if you could...

You want year-round tax pro access. Not just at the tax season.


Keeping up with quarterly taxes feels like chasing a moving target.


You crave a pro's touch in decoding those IRS letters and regulations.


No more surprise tax bills or sneaky fees are on your wishlist.


Switch from once-a-year tax chats to ongoing, year-round support. 
 Beyond just crunching numbers, we're talking semi-annual check-ins, annual filings, quarterly tax estimates and a year round steady support to ensure you're always in the know and on track.


Look no further, we got you!

this is for you if...

tesherri Rouse

Thank GOD for Flor!!! We were going to owe $10,000 according to the "regular" tax preparer, but Flor helped us and we got a nice refund instead!!!

What you will get

An insider look at

Every six months, we'll grab a virtual coffee and chat about where your business stands tax-wise. Think of our semi-annual check-ins as your tax pit stops: tuning the engine, checking the map, and ensuring that tax-wise, you're in the fast lane, without any bumps ahead.  It's a proactive approach to taxes, ensuring that there are no surprises come tax time. 

Semi Annual


Let's kick those quarterly tax worries to the curb! We've got your back, estimating and handling those payments. Leave the tax juggling to us. 

Quarterly Taxes


Crafting your annual tax story! We meticulously prepare each page, ensuring the outcome  meets your goals, then sit with you for a personalized walkthrough. And once you give the nod? We'll seamlessly send it off on your behalf. Tax clarity, delivered. 📜🌟

Annual Business Tax Prep


Got a tax question anytime during the year? We're here for you! And if the IRS sends you a letter, don't sweat it! Shoot it our way, and we'll craft the perfect game plan. Always in your corner, always keeping you inform of the upcoming deadlines! 🛡️💌

Extra Help


Personal tax prep


1 Payment of

apply Today!

Semi annual Check- ins
Quarterly taxes
Business tax prep
Extra help

BEST Savings!

Semi annual Check- ins
Quarterly Taxes
Business tax prep
Extra help
15% off personal tax prep


2 Payments of

apply Today!

Easy Access

No matter which payment option you choose, you get immediate support!

Start your Journey!

Are you ready to own your tax story?





Other questions? Feel free to send an email to

If you're rocking the self-employed life and file using Schedule C, your personal tax prep is bundled in the above cost, no matter how you choose to pay.

Running an LLC taxed as an S-corp or have an LLC with a partner or two? Your business gets its own unique return.

But here's the thing: go for the one-time full payment, and your personal return is on us.

Splitting into two payments? Cool, you'll receive a sweet 15% off your personal tax prep. And just a heads up, the complexity of your personal return determines its cost.

Transparent and straightforward, just how you like it! 👌🏼

what about my personal tax return prep?

Navigating the tax world is like a journey, not a one-time event. We believe in walking with you every step of the way, ensuring you're prepared all year round.

Offering tax prep with year-round support allows us to provide real-time advice, adapt to changes, and maximize opportunities.

It's like having a co-pilot in your business journey rather than just a tour guide who waves goodbye at the start.

We're invested in your success throughout the year, not just during tax season. Why? Because hoping for the best? That's just not our style. We plan for the best. 🌟📆

Why you only offer tax prep with year round support?

It's only natural that you have questions, I have the answers!

Frequently asked questions

Chronicle is a Las Angelas copywriting team who are ready to help take your brand message to the top with heart, not hype. Two wordsmiths who value authenticity and French culture. I consider myself a serial entrepreneur, a helpful push, a get ish done type of boss. If you're anything like me you are working on your next big thing. The last person we talked to said this would be ready action item, and what do you feel you would bring to the table if you were hired for this position bell and whistles natural resources circular unprecedented challenge.

No more finger crossing and hoping you didn't miss anything along the way. It's time to be in the know.

Read about me HERE

o I' m a tax strategist... But my specialty is not just numbers, but helping you get from where you are to where you want to be, ensuring you're informed every step of the way. Because informed actions? They have real purpose. 


Hey there, newcomer! Before we kick things off, a little intro is in order. I'm Flor, the heart and soul behind Dinescu & Co. 

I'm ready to take control

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